“Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life.” – Rumi

Unprofane Riders (URDMV) has devoted countless hours of their time and talent in service to support our communities and that kindness is demonstrated by putting other people’s needs before our own. We know, that if you witness an act of kindness, you are significantly more likely to “pay it forward” and that is what our local and national chapters strive to do by using the blessings bestowed in our own lives to give back into our local communities. During the holiday seasons it is especially tough for some; with the pressures of providing food, shelter and the everyday necessities for their families that others may take for granted. URMDV strives to bring a little bit of sunshine to those families by fulfilling their needs. We participate in food drives with our local churches and shelters, toy drives, etc. We pray that our unselfish giving will provide some relief to the stress and strains of the everyday demands of life and put smiles on the faces of those that would otherwise not realize joy and Thanksgiving during this time of the year.


URDMV Veterans and active duty servicemen account for more than 80% of the active members on our roster. With that being said, we are active in supporting our veterans as well. During the Holiday season URDMV takes pride in supporting several causes from Wreath’s Across America to the Toys for Tots Drives within our local communities.


We also are blessed to have the opportunity to spend time with our Veterans and servicemen and women who are being treated for various conditions at their nearby community military hospitals a few times a month. The Fisher House provides a home environment for them to stay while undergoing their treatments that includes all the amenities. We have the opportunity to visit with them for few hours in a day which helps them briefly escape from their real-world situations. We provide home cooked meals, play fun games, and share our stories with them. The impact of sharing this time with them is a blessing that is realized both ways. It uplifts the soul to help others and that’s what URDMV takes the most pride in.

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There are countless ways to give back to the communities that we live in and URDMV takes advantage of “paying it forward” as often as the opportunities present themselves. Currently URDMV partners with Shelter House, an organization which helps serve families experiencing homelessness and victims of domestic violence. The way their organization impacts their communities on a daily basis is insurmountable. URDMV is proud to be in partnership with the Shelter House and look forward to the many great things we will do together in the coming future.

Happy Holiday’s from Unprofane Riders DMV!!!!

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“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” ―Charles Dickens


“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” – Booker T. Washington